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Group fun

An overview of the activities in our stress reduction group

Want to know more about our upcoming six-week relational group for your stressed out fifth and sixth graders? Each week covers one aspect of healthy and mutual relationships, along with a type of coping skill to address a variety of stressors. Below is an overview of the topics covered. Most weeks will incorporate art-related activities, with supplies provided by BCC!

Week One:

Connecting with others and feeling zest! Our skill is conceptualizing anxiety as separate from identity. Expressive art will be collaging on their journal and creating a modeling clay anxiety monster to help with externalizing anxious thoughts.

Week Two:

Communicating and feeling clarity both about self and in relationships. Our skill this week is using emotional awareness. Expressive arts will involve identifying where stress lives in our bodies using a foam person cutout and butterflies.

Week Three:

Increasing self worth! Our skill this week is developing new coping strategies for strong emotions. Expressive arts will include writing about gratitude, and uncovering our goodness using scratch off paper.

Week Four:

Empowerment and healthy disconnection, because even the best relationships falter! Our skill this week is learning to set aside worry when necessary. Our expressive arts include decorating a worry box.

Week Five:

Healthy connections result in more and deeper connections. Our skill this week involves creating coping skills using imagery and visualization. Expressive arts activity is creating your own personalized slime!

Week Six:

Review and Good-byes! We will bring all of the skills together this week, creating a calm-down toolbox.

Each week includes playful connections and games. Participants should expect it to be fun and lighthearted; no one will be forced to self-disclose. All participation is voluntary, so kids can join in to the level that they feel comfortable.