Kevin Makice is one of the founders of the Bloomington Center for Connection. He has been learning about Relational-Cultural Theory for over 25 years. He enjoys applying it to all areas of life including gaming, online communities, civic engagement, parenting, anti-oppression work, and advocacy. Working with post-its, white boards, and deep listening, he helps organizations and people identify and clarify their UX (user design) and other dreams, and then create do-able steps to acheive them.
Some of the projects he is most closely involved with include:
The RCT Toybox, a collection of core RCT concepts along with artwork, ideas for play, and questions to help the ideas become useful in everyday connections.

2. Role Playing Games using RCT, new ways to explore classic RPGs, complete with adventure, character development, and all you’ve come to expect from table top RPG campaigns, with the added challenge of relational authenticity. These games provide an opportunity to practice growth-fostering skills of connection, mutuality, courage and vulnerability, all in a playful and occasionally hilarious context. Players can expand their connection comfort zones both in game and out of game.

Kevin has also been a pivotal part of building both our Relational Cadre and our Relational Summits, shaping our format, keeping us on task, and making sure everything works together to create connection. He is committed to amplifying voices other than his, to create a more equitable, interesting, and authentic experience for everyone.