Meenaxi is a licensed psychologist based in Atlanta, GA, where she works with adults in individual therapy, relationship therapy, and sex therapy. She also provides teletherapy in 39 states through PSYPACT. Meenaxi’s practice is grounded in Relational Cultural Theory, and she also draws from her training in Emotion Focused Therapy and Sex Therapy.

Meenaxi happened upon RCT by chance when she was in graduate school, and was thrilled to find that the intuitive way she was practicing psychotherapy had a name, and that there was so much more to learn! Since then, she has been on an ongoing journey of growth as she soaks in all the wisdom available in the RCT world. Meenaxi has heard, experienced, and believes that while the theory of RCT is intuitive and appealing to many folks, practicing RCT in a world that values interventions and treatment plans can be intimidating. She loves to bridge the gap between understanding RCT and “doing” RCT by exploring, experiencing, and sharing how we can practice RCT as clinicians.
If you are interested in working with Meenaxi, please contact her at or 415-320-7183