Meditations for healing
For clients and group members wishing to continue the connection in between sessions, we offer some guided visualizations and healing meditations. We encourage you to pause throughout the recordings to give yourself time to fully experience it at your own pace. All of these draw from Amy Banks’s work on Positive Relational Moments and John Makransky’s Awakening Through Love and Sustainable Compassion.
A visualization for Positive Relational Moments
The above visualization (along with the one directly below) is a building block for all other visualizations. Holding a Positive Relational Moment while you explore more difficult areas helps regulate your nervous system. It increases your sense of calm, allowing you to go deeper.
Everyone has days they can’t pull up a positive relational moment. Maybe it’s been an especially difficult time. Perhaps the disconnections in your life are so loud and complicated it is difficult to see the connection. This visualization is for those moments— the times you can’t identify your own positive relational moments.
This visualization builds on the two above it. It is recommended that you practice the two visualizations above several times (maybe even a couple months) before adding any more challenging emotions to them. This visualization adds the element of using the warmth and light of the positive relational moment to hold a more difficult emotion. If you have time, it can be useful to do one of the above and then move straight into this one.
The following visualization builds on the above, allowing a sense of connection to transform our collective pain.